Resident Research Symposium Headlined by Stanford Professor Carla M. Pugh Set for April 25th at UCSF Mission Bay

The J. Engelbert Dunphy Resident Research Symposium showcases the laboratory research of residents, fellows and medical students in the Department of Surgery, and honors the life and accomplishments of J. Engelbert Dunphy, M.D., a legendary surgeon and a former chair of the UCSF Department of Surgery.
Carla Pugh is Professor of Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine. She is also the Director of the Technology Enabled Clinical Improvement (T.E.C.I.) Center. Her clinical area of expertise is Acute Care Surgery. Dr. Pugh, recently was inducted into The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, is renowned for her work in the field.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
9:00 am - Resident Presentations
2:15 pm - Keynote Presentation
3:15 pm - Awards Presentation
UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay
Betty Irene Moore Women's Hospital and Bakar Cancer Hospital
1855 4th St.
William and Susan Oberndorf Auditorium (1st floor - Room A1602B)
San Francisco, CA 94158
Visit the Resident Research Symposium Page for Complete Details